Connecticut School Counselor Association

Promoting Excellence in School Counseling since 1963

A Message From the CT School Counselor Association...

During this unprecedented time in our schools, the CT School Counselor Association wants to provide you with as many resources as we can to help you to continue to provide services to your students during this national pandemic. We will continue to update the resources on this page as they become available and any resources you think might be valuable for others can be emailed to 

Please remember that the guidance and protocol of your school districts takes precedent over any other guidance. However, you may find resources on this page that would be helpful to share with your administration in order to help make the best decisions for your students.  


  Facebook: @CSCAcounseling    Twitter: @CSCA_Counseling

 Instagram: @csca_counseling    YouTube: @CSCA Executive Director






*According to ASCA's Ethical Webinar - school counselors do not have to worry about HIPPA we only fall under FERPA in you're working in a public school. 

  • Zoom  - Zoom is an online platform that allows you to video conference with students. The FREE version is not FERPA/HIPPA compliant and only allows meetings for a max of 40 minutes. 
  • Google Meet - Google meet is another online video conferencing platform and may be a good option for those of you already using Google Suite. Allows for us to a 150 users at a time. If your school uses Google Suite then they already have a BAA (business associate agreement) and therefore Google Meet/Hangouts should be FERPA compliant because you have that agreement. When in doubt check with your IT department. 
  • - a free, HIPAA, GDPR, PHIPA/PIPEDA, & HITECH compliant video conferencing site used for providers to do telecounseling. 
  • Screencastify - allows you to create videos to publish. You can talk over a power point or make a video of yourself for students. This is a Chrome extension add-on. The free version allow for up to 5 minute videos. However, they are offering a special to get the extended version for Free until April 30th - use code: CAST_COVID
  • Screencast-o-matic - another resource to produce videos of a powerpoint or yourself. The education pricing is $1.65 a month for deluxe or $4.00 a month for premier.
  • LOOM - another free video recording resource


  • Google Voice - this allows you to create a free phone number that you can use to contact students and families. If you do the personal version (by downloading the app on your phone) there is no charge. To create a number through a business (like your school), there is a charge of $20 a month for unlimited numbers - this might be a wise investment for your school so teachers, counselors, etc. can contact parents/students without giving out their personal numbers or having to create individual accounts on their own. **When given this out it is suggested that you create a "time" window for which you are available for calls - i.e. Monday - Friday 7:30am - 2:30pm (depending on the hours you are expected to be available per your school).


  • DCF - The Department of Children and Families are still taking calls and if you suspect abuse or neglect you are still mandated to call the care line at 1-800-842-2288. DCF-136 Form - we are still waiting for guidance on how to submit this form if counselors do not have the ability to fax. 
  • Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services (EMPS/211) - EMPS is still available and are still going out to families when needed.
  • Suicide Prevention Crisis Hotline - 1-800-273-8255 or text 741741
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - great resources




  • College Board SAT Updates - SAT School Day and May 2nd SAT Cancelled; They're working on a plan for students to take AP exams at home.
  • ACT the April 4th ACT has been cancelled and students will receive and email to take it on June 13th, which is the next schedule exam. ACT is also offering digital learning, and workforce resources to assist students, teachers, and workers impacted by COVID-19. LETTER FROM ACT.
  • NACAC - National Association for College Admission Counseling has a lot of Covid-19 resources - updated deposit deadlines for colleges, virtual tours for juniors, etc. 
  • NCAN - The National College Attainment Network has put together a website of resources for this time



  • Up-to-date Guidance from the Department of Education - from the Commissioner of Education, Miguel Cardona
  • Mental Health Resources - a wealth of resources
  • Connecticut Resources:
  • Crisis intervention, family support, mental and behavioral health referrals: E-mail, dial 211 or 1-800-203-1234, or visit:

Webinars, Zoom Chats & More for School Counselors

To View CSCA Recorded Webinars

visit our YouTube Channel!


Programming for the Transition to High School (12:00pm)

Facilitated by Kelly Whitham, CSCA High School Co-Liaison and Dina Keleher, CSCA VP-Hartford County. Join us for a discussion on how to plan for the middle school to high school transition in Fall 2020 following this pandemic.

Come ready to share ideas and learn from one another!

To register, visit:


Supporting Undocumented Students During COVID-19 & Beyond: A Conversation

Tuesday, June 2nd, 1 PM-2 PM

Sponsored by CT Students for a Dream

Register Here:

At this Conversation we Will:

  • Hear directly from undocumented young people
  • Crowdsource Resources that Currently Exist
  • Discuss what resources your school has been using for students, and 
  • Discuss what all of this means for the next school year.
In this space we will be providing resources and information but we will also be opening the space up for discussion to learn directly from each other! 


*This webinar has passed but if you view the recordings PART I and PART II

*This webinar has passed but if you view the recording HERE.


Trauma Informed Resilient Schools

Code: TRAUMAINFORMED (all caps) - Gives you this $199 course for FREE


Supporting Students, stress, and worry about COVID 19 webinar- 

Now a recording:



Chi Sigma Iota (Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International) Scheduled & Recorded Webinars 


Podcasts/ webinars on anxiety-

Two apples.PNG

Mindful schools is offering a 20% discount to educators on their courses

Motivational/Helpful Ideas

Contact Information:

Address: P.O. Box 4635, Wallingford, CT 06492 ATTN: Michelle Boss , CSCA Executive Director 

For Questions regarding membership, donations and advertising information please contact our Executive Director.


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