We are looking for committee members! Join us! COMMITTEE DESCRIPTIONS & CONTACTS |
By-Laws and Ethics Committee Committee Chair: Michelle Catucci, execdirectorcsca@gmail.com This committee reviews and revises the CSCA By-Laws in accordance with the 3-year ASCA review cycle. In addition, we assist school counselors with ethical questions and concerns if they arise. Bylaws and Ethics Committee Video Conference Committee Committee Chair: Kelly Whitham, kwhitham@crec.org This committee works together to plan our annual CSCA conference. Do you have ideas/thoughts on what you’d like to see in this year’s conference? This may be the perfect committee for you! Together with the assistance of the NYCI professional team, we design the conference from picking a theme to marketing to members, deciding on speakers, evaluating conference presenter proposals, and more. We meet virtually 1x per month with the caveat that additional meetings may be called as needed as we approach the conference date. This year some of the work will be carried over from last year’s plan, that due to COVID was canceled, but there is still plenty to do and lots of fun to be had in the process! Diversity Committee Committee Chair: Chaka Felder-McEntire, chakafelder@gmail.com This is a NEW committee that promotes and supports diversity in the school counseling profession. The committee is involved in providing opportunities to be educated on and discuss diversity to support students and school counselors, which includes the coordination of the Counselors of Color group. Emerging Leaders Committee Committee Chair: Kareleka Norman, knorman@ctrise.org This committee is developing a NEW Emerging Leaders program within CSCA to identify and support school counselors that may take on a CSCA leadership role in the future. Government Relations and Advocacy Committee Committee Chair: Virginia DeLong, cscaadvocacy@gmail.com This committee is dedicated to advocating for the role of the school counselor at the state and local levels. Members of this committee should be prepared to take an active role in advocating for school counselors through activities like, but not limited to, contacting local legislators through emails, phone calls and personal meetings, testifying in front of legislative committees on school counseling legislation and meeting with legislative committees as needed. Other behind the scenes activities may take place as well, such as contacting school counselors for data or letter writing campaigns. A bulk of the work takes place during the legislative session (usually Jan/Feb - May/June), however a lot of pre-work happens before the session begins. Gov't Relations & Advocacy Committee Video Membership Committee Committee Chair: Kathryn Goldberg, kathrynggoldberg@gmail.com The committee welcomes prospective and new members of CSCA. Through communication with Directors, collaboration with other CSCA committees, as well as member recruitment and retention efforts, the Membership Committee fosters the continued growth and awareness of CSCA across the state. Work for the Membership Committee is spread out over the course of the school year, and is anticipated to be 1-2 hours per month. Professional Recognition Committee Committee Chair: Sarah Zalewski, slzalewski@yahoo.com This committee works together to solicit and judge nominations for all yearly awards including the School Counselor of the Year. We also plan the annual Awards Gala to celebrate our award recipients. Public Relations Committee Committee Chair: Lisa Kilcourse, kilcoursel@gmail.com The committee manages the CSCA social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram; shares positive messages, events & updates, advocates, and provides connections for school counselors in CT. The PR committee creates and manages a CSCA Team for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Out of the Darkness Walk as well as publicizes the National School Counseling Week for CT. The goal of the Public Relations Committee is to reach School Counselors across the state. Public Relations Committee Video Scholarship Committee Committee Chair: Eileen Melody, eileen.melody@gmail.com This committee collaborates to advertise and award scholarships for a graduate student and a high school student. The goal is to provide financial assistance to a graduate student attending a Connecticut School Counseling Program. This committee’s goal is to reach out to graduate school educators and CSCA high school counselors with scholarship application information and select the recipients. Strategic Planning Committee Committee Chair: Todd Dyer, tdyer@avon.k12.ct.us This committee reviews and revises the CSCA Strategic Plan in accordance with the 5-year CSCA review cycle to ensure our mission and goals are specific, reasonable, and timely. |