Upcoming events

A Day on the Hill

  • 13 Mar 2019
  • Hartford, CT

Registration is closed


A Day on the Hill

Wednesday March 13th 

We need RSVP's from members who can commit to attending this event in Hartford at the Legislative Office Building to talk with legislators about the importance of school counseling programs. We are looking at an approximate timeline of somewhere between 8am-2pm, but will give more details as we get them. No experience is necessary - we will be providing training and pairing up novices with seasoned members! Legislators need to hear from us!

If you are able to attend, please RSVP using the gray "REGISTER" button on the left hand side of this screen as we need a head count in order to fill out the paperwork.

Please register by January 25th at the latest. 


Connecticut School Counselor Association

Promoting Excellence in School Counseling since 1963

Contact Information:

Address: P.O. Box 4635, Wallingford, CT 06492 ATTN: Michelle Boss, CSCA Executive Director 

For Questions regarding membership, donations and advertising information please contact our Executive Director.

Email: execdirectorCSCA@gmail.com

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