Upcoming events

Out of the Darkness Walk With CSCA

  • 26 Sep 2020
  • 10:00 AM
  • Mortensen Riverfront Plaza, 300 Columbus Boulevard, Hartford, CT


Registration is closed

Join our CSCA team to support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. When you walk in the Out of the Darkness Walks, you join the effort with hundreds of thousands of people to raise awareness and funds that allow the American Foundation forSuicide Prevention (AFSP) to invest in new research, create educational programs, advocate for public policy, and support survivors of suicide loss. Thanks to Walkers and Donors like you, AFSP has been able to set a bold goal to reduce the annual suicide rate 20% by 2025. While we are unsure if this will be virtual or in person we know it will be great to support this cause "together." If you would like to sign up as a virtual walker, regardless, you can do so by joining our team: https://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=256136. If you are unable to participate, you can still support our team by donating. You can do so by clicking: https://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=256136 then going to "Roster" and then choose one of the team members listed. Once you're on their page, please click "Donate Now." Thanks for your consideration in joining us in these efforts!

Connecticut School Counselor Association

Promoting Excellence in School Counseling since 1963

Contact Information:

Address: P.O. Box 4635, Wallingford, CT 06492 ATTN: Michelle Boss, CSCA Executive Director 

For Questions regarding membership, donations and advertising information please contact our Executive Director.

Email: execdirectorCSCA@gmail.com

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