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Follow Up Round Table: A review of the COVID 19 Crisis Handbook Annex

  • 04 May 2020
  • 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
  • ZOOM

Follow Up Round Table: A review of the COVID 19 Crisis Handbook Annex (12:30-2pm)

Led by Dr. Peg Donohue, CCSU and Dr. Gabe Lomas, WCSU.  The purpose of this follow up round table is to review a COVID-19 crisis handbook annex which school counselors can add to their existing crisis plans. This document will follow the incident command framework and will be helpful to those engaged in supporting school-based mental health, administration, security and health services. The annex will be emailed to all participants shortly before the presentation. Ample time will be allotted for questions and answers.

To register, visit: https://bit.ly/covidannex

Connecticut School Counselor Association

Promoting Excellence in School Counseling since 1963

Contact Information:

Address: P.O. Box 4635, Wallingford, CT 06492 ATTN: Michelle Boss, CSCA Executive Director 

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Email: execdirectorCSCA@gmail.com

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