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Choose Love - with Scarlett Lewis and Dr. Chris Kukk

  • 12 Jan 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Brookfield High School, 45 Longmeadow Hill Road, Brookfield, CT
  • 38


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The Choose Love Enrichment Program is aligned with the American School Counselor Association Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success and includes social and emotional learning, emotional intelligence, character values, neuroscience, positive psychology, mindfulness and more! This free program was developed by a group of leading educators following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary and addresses the universal want and need of every human which is to love and be loved. The goal of the program is to provide tools and a skill set that students can use to generate a happy life lived wholeheartedly. We will be taking a closer look at implementation and lessons. 

Please join us as we learn from Scarlett Lewis, Founder, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement and Dr. Chris Kukk, Director of the Compassion, Creativity & Innovation Center as well as the Kathwari Honors program at Western Connecticut State University. Dr. Kukk will discuss his new bestselling book, "The Compassionate Achiever" and how helping others fuels our own success. Dr. Kukk is also on the board of directors of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement, Fulbright Scholar, former counter-intelligence agent, and Harvard Fellow. He is also a Brookfield High School alumni (1984).

Connecticut School Counselor Association

Promoting Excellence in School Counseling since 1963

Contact Information:

Address: P.O. Box 4635, Wallingford, CT 06492 ATTN: Michelle Boss, CSCA Executive Director 

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Email: execdirectorCSCA@gmail.com

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