Upcoming events

Mental Health Forum for School Counselors

  • 13 Nov 2017
  • 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Armed Services Reserve Center, 375 Smith Street, Middletown, CT
  • 0


  • Includes 1 year CSCA Graduate Student membership ($30).
  • Includes 1 year CSCA Membership ($60)

Please join us for a discussion on Mental Health. We have a line-up of great speakers who are working in the field and are prepared to provide school counselors with valuable information to aid in the work that we do with our students. 


8:00-8:20 Registration 

8:20-8:30 Welcome 

8:30-10:00 Mental Health First Aid/Hartford Healthcare 

10:00-11:00 Universal Mental Health Screenings in Schools/Peg Donohue, CCSU

11:00-11:30 Lunch 

11:30-1:00 United Services/211/EMPS 

1:00-2:30 Parents & Teachers as Allies Program/National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) 

Detailed Information about the sessions can be found HERE

Lunch will be provided. Please email cscachairman@gmail.com if you have any dietary restrictions and we will do our best to accommodate. 

All levels of counselors are welcome. 

Photo ID's will be required the day of the event to enter the facility. 

*Registration must be paid in full by Noon on Wednesday November 8th or you will forfeit your spot and it will be given to someone on the waiting list. Refunds will only be issued if notified by email to cscachairman@gmail.com by Noon on Wednesday November 8th.

Connecticut School Counselor Association

Promoting Excellence in School Counseling since 1963

Contact Information:

Address: P.O. Box 4635, Wallingford, CT 06492 ATTN: Michelle Boss, CSCA Executive Director 

For Questions regarding membership, donations and advertising information please contact our Executive Director.

Email: execdirectorCSCA@gmail.com

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